Global and Cultural Education

Expand your family’s horizons by:

  • Opening your heart and your home to a global visitor (Inbound program)
  • Or…
  • Enabling your teenager to stay with a family abroad — (Outbound program)

Texas 4-H and Texas Global Education encourage you to check out the opportunities of hosting or traveling to Japan, Costa Rica or Greece in 2013!

the Texas 4-H Program supports Texas Global Education and Cultural Exchangein their efforts to provide several one-month home-stay opportunities. Home-stays (instead of staying in a hotel) have many advantages:

  • Experience life from the inside – not as a tourist
  • Learn, appreciate, understand and evaluate another culture – and your own
  • Establish a close relationship with someone – from another culture
  • Develop cross-cultural understanding through communication and interaction

The focus of a cultural exchange is friendship, but lasting friendships and warm memories aren’t the only results. Young people who have the opportunity to live with a host family in a foreign country or to host an international youth in their home enjoy a priceless educational experience that better prepares them for a life in a global society.

If you want more information on these Inbound and Outbound opportunities, please contact us.

For more information on Texas Global Education, a nonprofit foundation focused on global and cultural education, check out their website

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